Bearded dragon, red eared slider ( turtle) or a guinea pig? - bearded dragon ear drum
I know that everything has advantages and disadvantages, but u choose.
I had a Red Turtle was younger than me and thought it was boring as your pet, but now that I'm older, I realized that I do not know very well taken care of animals at the time, and I now know much
I have never seen a bearded dragon or a pig Guinea.
both the audio and pets.
Get a bearded dragon, I have a .. Which are more interactive than knowing lizards, and if you keep them at an early age to remain tame life ... I have a guinea pig, believe that cleaning a lot more about it and start to stink,!. Squeel too much. in the cage for a bearded dragon clean everything you need to do is get a ball of cat and sift the sand. They are also very durable and will not die if you feed store (not specified) for a week, fat, as they forget their stories ............... ........... one below me is BS! Dear all Terrarium is the first, and most come with supplies like thats 60 $ 70 ... and worms are $ 3.00, as a cardboard box, and you can also take a bearded dragon pellets, which lasts about 2 months.
Depends on what you want. If you go a quiet, pet coat Gunia for fresh pork. If you want a pet fee, scaly extic, select the bearded dragon (Ithink it's pretty cool, but difficult to find a pet quality!) If you simply want a car, water, color, amphibians, move the cursor. I could be used Slippery own name, but my mom has to give me because it smelled
I love reptiles. I like guinea pigs. There are advantages and disadvantages. Reptiles can be a little more complicated, in the interview. Guinea pigs are very simple.
What the hell is a bearded dragon? Well, it sounds bad ***
Guinea pigs are cool
do not get a turtle on a guinea pig or dragon
the recommendation to dragons. Guinea pigs, but too narrow.
It is to be better prepared, a lot of money for food and spend supplies.Goes Beardie in many waxworms and crickets, worms, plants matter.and requires a great deal of care !!!!!
I had to make a bearded dragon, but then I used to raise reptiles, and I think that guinea pigs are-boring.
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