Monday, January 25, 2010

Corner Media Stand Is The Economy Really As Bad As The Sensationalist Media Makes It Out To Be?

Is the economy really as bad as the sensationalist media makes it out to be? - corner media stand

I have no doubt that these difficult times, but it's not as bad as the Great Depression. There are soup lines. There are people standing on street corners trying to move their vehicles for rent money. We have unemployment of 25%, as we are in 1932. Most states have some 7%. Not exactly the end of the world.

Let me be clear, I am not sure that the previous government, which was a model of incompetence and a complete disaster. However, there are still many job opportunities these days in health care (especially nursing) and the military.

For example: I was in the Celtics-Suns game the other day at U.S. Airways Center in Phoenix, and the place was full house. The cheapest places in courses for $ 50 each. Seats in the lower $ 120. If the economy was so bad, the stadium would be empty. I find it hard to believe that things are so bad, if people can pay up to $ 500 for a ticket to a basketball game.

When will the American people willbe smart enough to see that our problems are primarily the result of a tabloid bent on frightening the hell out of the public? The vast majority of journalists today are dishonest people with low moral fiber. Newspapers and television stations thrive on public fear. This is what motivates their votes. News executives learn during and after 9 / 11.

The media wants nothing more than for the (lowest) to deepen the recession. Most Americans would agree that journalism has become one of the most dishonest, unethical and poor quality of all occupations and street prostitution or human trafficking. Journalists do not report that the message * new * creation. * And to be in the interest of ratings, they prefer bad news.


eskie lover said...

I think if you are one of 9.3% unemployment in my state, you probably think it's worse than a recession. CA jobs are hard to find, although health care possible, and above all, as we have a shortage of nurses, but the competition is fierce. A week ago, the Border Patrol has occupied one days of the open door to 25 points and had applied to participate and not more than 5000 people. We see the impact of the economy in our country, maybe a little more than others. We have to solve only cut our budget deficit of 42 billion U.S. dollars with state workers' pay and save under a smaller number of working days per month, the closure of the local, provincial and municipal money one day a week, an increase of 5% CS in our tax on personal income (which) will be violated to obtain the increase in sales tax on our vehicle license fees and the issuance of promissory notes, we, the tax refunds CA. Also suspended plans for the construction of about 2 weeks left some roads, bridges and roads in a mess. All this said, we still see people eating, shopping malls and shops, the behavior of theirSUV, high consumption of gas and 2 miles per hour on the freeway congestion MOTOR. Thus 92% of homeowners in foreclosure or money, if you are to have a job. Sometimes I think the media blows to the seriousness of the situation, but I think that Paulsen was also when he said that the Bush administration that the economy would collapse if no action first on the rescue package through the Financial Institutions. Ultimately, it is difficult to objective news can be found easily and the thin line between news and commentary blur long ago.

nmcolleg... said...

It is without doubt the world, Fox News, certainly not saying that bad with their God-paranoid schizo-centered beliefs and the nature of the presentation.

Randy F said...

Yes, and worse. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Stand-by.

Kevin O said...

Its far worse than what he thinks, is not as bad as the 1920s, but the arrival and the situation will only get worse. The Great Depression, like a picnic. and not only the media are all other countries Thous simply decide to have lost and all I can say is .. The party is over for our citizens. oooh yes 7% is a bogus number because many people out of work and unemployment.

Joseph the Second said...

We all have this "perspective" - because there are so few of us alive today to make the experience of the Great Depression of the '30 's have nothing to compare these "difficult times" with. For many of us, the recession "have seen worse" than we do ... I do not know what to expect, they tend to be more than what actually happened ... In fact, many fly purchased from us beautiful, happy and lazy for the past few decades ... - and unpleasant this sudden return " reality "- is quite boring ... Now that the systemic economic plan" shake-up is underway, will require a significant change in our mentality "in terms of how we create our budget committee immediately. It will not be easy and it will take some time ... I used to it after 9/11- There's nothing we have to get used to this day to ... ... And the media's role in all this, enter continue too much credit for the workT always done best-selling beer, newspapers and exaggerations on a pile of nonsense. I suspect that most Americans "see through" his plan "- and ignore them like you and me ... What's my opinion," Shake the country "that we are not what you can change all that" to understand and represent -- for us. And to the extent it (probably one or two years if the economy starts to slow a positive), many of us continue to shake their hands, and we are again depression freak ". ..")

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